Our Mission

The Tennessee Alliance for Black Lawyers is dedicated to promoting the common interests of Tennessee's Black bar and advancing historically underrepresented legal professionals across the state.

We endeavor to influence legislation, regulations, and policies that are pertinent to the interests of Black lawyers statewide. Through our advocacy, we aim to enhance diversity on the state and federal bench, in the Tennessee General Assembly, and among law schools' students and faculty in Tennessee.

Additionally, we provide a professional and social network and support system for local affiliates of the NBA, as well as for lawyers, judges, and law students who actively champion diversity within the bar. Our organization also offers mentorship, opportunities, and support to historically underrepresented legal professionals, contributing to their growth and advancement.

As a 501(c)(6) organization, we conduct various exempt purposes permissible under the Internal Revenue Code, all aimed at fostering diversity and inclusion within the Tennessee bar.

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